Desolation Blues 13th Chorus
“But now I guess
I’m just talkin’
thru my
empty head.”
stripe up the spine
of the park
taking photos because we think
they’ll last longer
maybe longer than clouds.
Some clouds are menacing
Others puffy white
others, non-clouds
when you
next look.
Clouds who earlier misted
meadows of wildflowers
those furry red-headed
flowers that dance
& you & I are
mountains, casting off
evil w/ an avalanche
of gray snags.
Hozomeen in our face
closer than pictures
(gone world) and we’re
ready to go
go go go!
John Burgess & Paul Nelson
- 8.2.08,
(Opening quote, the last stanza of
Jack Kerouac’s Desolation Blues.)