Global Voices Radio Spoken Word Lab American Sentences
American Sentences
Organic Poetry
Global Voices Radio exists to:
the shift to a Sustainable, Just & Conscious age.

Compelling content for people seeking broader perspctives.

Founded in late 1993, Global Voices Radio is the non-profit umbrella for community and consciousness projects facilitated by Writer/Teacher/Broadcaster, Paul Nelson. For over eleven years, first as It Plays in Peoria Productions and between March and September 2004 as Global Voices Radio, we syndicated a weekly Public Affairs radio program on Whole Systems approaches, featuring guests such as: Rupert Sheldrake, Riane Eisler, Father Matthew Fox, Anne Waldman, Loretta Napoleoni, Christopher Hansard, Jean Houston, Medea Benjamin of Global Exchange, James O'Dea of IoNS and hundreds of other insightful authors, activists and modern day prophets.

In September 2004, we suspended regular production and syndication of the weekly program to focus on our other projects: Auburn Community Radio and The Northwest SPokenword LAB. By August 2006, we had turned over ACR to the city of Auburn and the local literary arts series administered by SPLAB! evolved into the spin-off group known as the Striped Water Poets. They meet with a weekly writer's critique circle Tuesday nights at 7PM at the Auburn Downtown Association Offices at 6 B. St S.E. Gerald McBreen is coordinator, 253.735.1751 for information.

Global Voices Radio is currently focused on engaging our mission through the evolving SPLAB! project and the evolving Organic Poetry website, a project reflecting the graduate work of GVR Founder Paul Nelson which was launched on February 13, 2007.

On March 1, 2007, we began to focus on manifesting a vision for an artist housing project in Auburn.

This evolved on June 29, 2008, into Sustainable Auburn, a project of Global Voices Radio with a mission of advancing the awareness and practice of environmental, economic and social sustainability.

We seek to advance the need for acting on challenges facing the Auburn community, including, but not limited to: clean air, food and water, and related issues related to the need to return to a bioregional approach.

We're especially interested in creating greater awareness of the cultural history of Auburn, Washington, expanding cultural opportunities for local residents and facilitating opportunities for artists to live and work in Auburn.

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Global Voices Radio was formerly It Plays in Peoria Productions.View the IPiPP website / archives.